
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Desert Island Digital: Steve Price

On this week's Desert Island Digital my castaway is Steve Price. Steve is a Creative Director, Meat Club President, Dad, martini drinker and the first real-life friend I ever made on Twitter. Rumour has it, he has his own set of monogrammed towels at Shoreditch House. 

Here's his choices for life on the island.

One tweet upon arrival on the island:

Fuck desks. Here's my new studio. #Love&Support

One app:

Hailo. is awesome cab app but not sure it would work on a desert island. So probably Instagram - at least I can keep people posted with which coconut I am wearing.

One #ff (Follow Forever) on Twitter:

@dalailama to help me gather my thoughts everyday

One album on Spotify:

Pearl Jam, Twenty

One YouTube video:

One photo:

Me and my son. So happy, so excited. 

One digital luxury:

Laptop (and wifi)