
Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Change of address

I've been blogging here since 2008, but the time has come for me to say "bye bye Blogger" and "hello Square Space".

You can now find me:


If you're following me on Feedly (or other readers), please be sure to update your settings!

I'm admittedly sad to leave. Blogger (or Blogspot as it once was) has served me well for five years but it's failed to keep up aesthetically. I find the UI simple and it syncs well with all my other Google products, but it just looks... tired. My hunch is that Blogger will get incorporated into Google+ in a bid to make Google+ happen. And I wish them luck with that. But for now and my needs and $10 a month, Square Space seems like a good move.

So this is over and out here. See you on the other side of the Internet for more ramblings.
