Ideal for: Last minute supper when the cupboard is bare
Serves: Go by 1/2 tin tomatoes per person
Makes you: Smug because you didn't buy a jar
Ingredients to serve 2
Tinned tomatoes x 1
Olive oil
Garlic (1 clove)
Parsley (flat leaf or curley) TIP: wash, chop and freeze fresh parsley and you will always have a handful to drop straight into your cooking
Tomato puree
Black Pepper
The above ingredients will make a perfectly delicious and simple pasta supper but it is also the starting point for much more exciting dishes.
Advanced ingredients:
Red Pepper
Creme fraiche
Tinned tuna
Sundried tomato
Heat a small pool of olive oil over a low heat in a frying pan. Chop your garlic and add it to the pan with a handful of parsley. The parsley stops the garlic going bitter as it cooks. Let the garlic sizzle but not burn.
*Here you could add some capers or chopped sun dried tomato. If adding mushrooms/ red pepper/ courgette/ onion or any other vegetable cook them with the garlic for 5 mins before proceeding to the next step.*
Pour in the can of tinned tomatoes. If the tomatoes are still whole, use a wooden spoon to crush them in the pan. Turn up the heat until the tomatoes start to bubble, then turn the heat right down. Stir in a tablespoonful of the puree. Cook for 10-15 mins, stirring occasionally.
Once cooked you could now add some grated parmesan, a dollop of creme fraiche or butter, a tin of drained tuna. Serve on freshly cooked pasta, or bake with meatballs and topped with mozarella.